Network solutions for small businesses
Any office that uses multiple computers can profit from upgrading to a network solution. A local area network (LAN) connects your office computers—possibly to a central server—in order to gain benefits from shared resources and information. Employees can file share easily over a network, ensuring that everyone is working from the same page, while sharing a printer between several workstations saves money.

Communication, collaboration, and scheduling all become easier and faster, and an office network also facilitates remote access solutions and internet security measures that you might otherwise need to install on each individual computer.
“Our network solutions will make your business more efficient, streamlined and centralized”
Of course, setting up a network isn’t just a matter of wanting one. There are technology and hardware decisions to make. Do you want to run a wireless or wired setup? Do you need a branded server or can you run the network off a router, switch or hub? What sort of internet connectivity do you need or want? What internet speed do you need? Do you need newer technology like an ASDL2+, Optical fibre, or 4G modem? None of these questions have answers that work for every situation.
Remote access solutions
If your work habits are anything like those of most business people today, chances are good that you often work from home or on the road, away from your office.
And if you’re like most people, chances are also good that at least once you’ve forgotten a computer file that you really needed to have access to, and found yourself scrambling back to the office or calling an assistant for help late at night.
There are plenty of work-around for this problem—burning CDs with critical files, emailing files to your home email account, and even USB flash drives. But the fact is that all of these solutions present real security risks in the form of lost or hacked data.
Fortunately, there are viable software-based and hosted-service remote access solutions that address these security shortcomings. Both types of remote access management systems offer you and your employees the ability to access your network from remote locations, and both take provisions for the security of your computer, your network, and your data. But which one is right for your company? Factors that will play into this decision include your budget, the number of remote users you will need to support, and the amount of bandwidth each user will require.
Taking these factors into consideration, an IT consultant at Page Consulting can offer you the right advice so you can make the right choice.
IT Technical Support
Onsite Technical Support Services
When you’re faced with an information technology problem—whether it is a network downtime or a disabled workstation—you have options on how to proceed. You can try to fix it yourself. You can call the product manufacturer for support. Or you can call Page for assistance.
One of Page ’s most popular service options, especially if you’re not comfortable with performing some basic computer operations yourself, is to request onsite technical support.

With Page’s’ onsite technical support option, you can rest easy knowing that a capable, experienced Page technician will come to your office to address the problem directly. There’s no need for you to explain your system configuration or talk your way through troubleshooting when you know help will be arriving shortly.
Page offers this mobile computer repair service for your convenience, but if you feel comfortable performing some basic computer maintenance tasks yourself, you might find our remote technical support or helpdesk support services more to your liking.
Remote Technical Support Services
Onsite technical support services offer small business owners peace of mind and convenient service, knowing that a Page technician will arrive as soon as possible. However, there may be occasions when waiting for a technician is not practical, or when paying for in-person service may be unnecessary.
For these occasions, Page offers both remote technical support and helpdesk support services, both of which are less expensive than onsite technical support.
Remote technical support services include remote access computer repairs, back-to-base warranty services, and computer troubleshooting and repairs at Page’s computer workshop.
With remote access computer repairs, a Page computer technician literally controls your workstation from the Page workshop, accessing it using either a software or online remote access solution. Most software and operating system issues can be resolved by a technician operating with remote access to your computer.
Whether your hardware is under manufacturer warranty or not, you can always bring it in to the Page computer workshop for service. Whatever type of remote technical support you choose, you can rest assured that a trusted Page technician will have your computer up and running in no time.